Displays information about this version of Disk Copy.
Use this menu to execute DiskScripts, close windows, and quit Disk Copy.
Displays a dialog box which allows you to select a DiskScript to execute.
A DiskScript is a file containing a list of images and an operation to execute against those images. Examples include launching an application or making floppies.
Closes the active window.
Closes the active window. Not available because the frontmost window cannot be closed.
Quits Disk Copy.
Use this menu to set Disk Copy’s preferences and show or hide the log window.
Undo the last operation.
Not available in Disk Copy.
Deletes the selected text and places it on the clipboard.
Not available because the active window is not editable or because there is no selection.
Places a copy of the selected text on the clipboard.
Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the insertion point or in place of the selected text.
Not available because the active window is not editable.
Clear the current selected text.
Displays a dialog box which allows you to customize various aspects of Disk Copy’s operation.
Shows the Disk Copy log window.
Hides the Disk Copy log window.
Use this menu to mount, create, or convert disk images.
Displays a dialog box which allows you to select a disk image to mounted on the desktop.
Displays a dialog box which allows you to select a folder from which to create a disk image. Disk Copy will copy the contents of the folder to a disk image file.
Displays a dialog box which allows you to select a disk from which to create a disk image that is an exact representation of the selected disk and its contents.
Displays a dialog box which allows you to select a disk image to be converted to a specific format. Disk Copy supports Read/Write, Read-Only, Read-Only Compressed, and Disk Copy version 4.2 formats.
Use this menu to make floppies from disk images, calculate checksums, verify checksums and use DigiSign‚Ñ¢ digital signatures.
Displays a dialog box which allows you to select a disk image from which to make a floppy. When making PC-formatted floppies, the PC Exchange control panel must be installed. DMF format requires Mac‚Ñ¢ OS 7.6 or greater.
Displays a dialog box which allows you to select a volume, then calculate a CRC-32 checksum of the volume.
Displays a dialog box which allows you to select an image file and verify that the checksum of the selected image is valid.
Displays a dialog box which allows you to select an image file, then add a DigiSign‚Ñ¢ digital signature to the image.
Not available because the DigiSign‚Ñ¢ extension is not installed.
Displays a dialog box which allows you to select an image file to verify its DigiSign‚Ñ¢ digital signature.
Use this menu to execute AppleScript’s stored in the Scripts folder.
This format creates a read-write disk image. You will be able to make changes to the disk image when it is mounted as if it were a standard floppy or hard disk.
This format creates a read-only disk image. You will not be able to make any changes to the disk image when it is mounted, as if it were a locked floppy disk or CD-ROM.
This creates a compressed read-only disk image. You will not be able to make any changes to the disk image when it is mounted, and it will be smaller than images in other formats.
This format creates a Disk Copy 4.2 format disk image. You will not be able to make any changes to the disk image when it is mounted. It only supports standard floppy disk sizes (720K, 800K, or 1.4MB).
This format uses the Disk Copy 4.2 file format. It is not available because the image size selected is not a standard floppy disk size (720K, 800K, or 1.4MB).
“blocks” are equivalent to 512 bytes.
“K” stands for “kilobytes” which is equivalent to 1024 bytes.
“MB” standards for “megabytes” which is equivalent to 1024 kilobytes.
To dismiss the dialog, click this button.
To use KenCode compression, click this button.
KenCode compression will be used.
To use MLZ compression, click this button.
MLZ compression will be used.
To show detailed compression statistics, check this box.
Detailed compression statistics will be shown.
Type the maximum match length for the compressor here (larger values are slower but can yield more compression).
To continue the current operation, click this button.
To cancel the current operation, click this button.
To erase the selected disk and copy new data to it, click this button.
To eject the current disk and insert another to be used, click this button.
To verify the checksum of images, click this box.
Disk Copy will verify the checksum of images. The defaults for this feature can be set in the Preferences dialog.
To verify the DigiSign‚Ñ¢ signature of images (if signed), click this box.
Not available because the DigiSign‚Ñ¢ extension is not installed, or you have selected a read/write image format, which cannot be signed.
Disk Copy will verify the DigiSign‚Ñ¢ signature of images (if signed). The defaults for this feature can be set in the Preferences dialog.
This is not available because the image format cannot be changed.
Use this pop-up menu to select the format of the image.
To mount the image after it is saved, click this box.
Disk Copy will mount the image after it is saved. The defaults for this feature can be set in the Preferences dialog.
To add a DigiSign‚Ñ¢ signature to the image after saving, click this box.
Disk Copy will attach a DigiSign‚Ñ¢ signature to the image after it is saved. The defaults for this feature can be set in the Preferences dialog.
The size of the selected disk or folder is currently shown. Use this pop-up menu to select a different size for the image.
To stop the make floppy operation, click this button.
This skips the current image in the set of images that you are making floppies from.
This ejects the floppy.
To save changes to the settings and close the dialog, click this button.
To close the dialog without saving the settings, click this button.
Type the size of the image in this box.
Use this pop-up menu to change units from blocks (512 bytes), K (kilobytes), or MB (megabytes).
To save changes to the Preferences settings and close the dialog, click this button.
To close the dialog without saving the Preferences settings, click this button.
To default to verify the checksum of images to be mounted, or converted, click this box.
Disk Copy will default to verify the checksum of images to be mounted or converted.
To default to verify the DigiSign‚Ñ¢ signature of images (if signed), click this box.
Disk Copy will default to verify the DigiSign‚Ñ¢ signature of images (if signed).
Disk Copy will verify the checksum or DigiSign‚Ñ¢ signature of images referenced from DiskScripts (if signed).
This not available because no verification options above are selected.
Disk Copy will not verify the checksum or DigiSign‚Ñ¢ signature of images referenced from DiskScripts (if signed).
Disk Copy will verify the checksumor DigiSign‚Ñ¢ signature of images residing on AppleShare servers (if signed).
Disk Copy will not verify the checksum or DigiSign‚Ñ¢ signature of images residing on AppleShare servers (if signed).
To default to write zeros to a newly created image before copying data to it, click this box.
Disk Copy will default to write zeros to a newly created image before copying data to it.
To default to mount newly created images after saving, click this box
Disk Copy will default to mount newly created images after saving.
To default to attach a DigiSign‚Ñ¢ signature to newly created images after saving, click this box.
Disk Copy will default to attach a DigiSign‚Ñ¢ signature to newly created images after saving.
Type the default extension Disk Copy will add to the name of newly created images in this box.
To display dialogs and alerts for error messages, click this box.
Disk Copy will display dialogs and alerts for error messages.
To save log window contents, click this box.
Disk Copy will save log window contents in the “Disk Copy Log” file in the Preferences folder.
To make multiple floppies from the same image, click this box
Disk Copy will make multiple floppies from the same image.
To confirm before erasing a disks and copying new data to it, click this box.
Disk Copy will confirm before erasing a disk and copying new data to it.
To use PlainTalk‚Ñ¢ to speak dialogs and other informational messages, click this box.
Disk Copy will use PlainTalk‚Ñ¢ to speak dialogs and other informational messages.
Information regarding the last operation performed is presented here.
The name of the last disk image operated upon appears here.
The volume name of the last disk operated upon appears here.
Information regarding the checksum of the last disk image operated upon (if any) is presented here.
Information regarding the DigiSign‚Ñ¢ digital signature of the last disk image operated upon (if any) is presented here.
This cancels the operation in progress.
Click here to select the current directory.
To use the selected volume, click this button.
To use the selected volume, click this button. The button is not available because nothing is selected.
To close the dialog without selecting a volume, click this button.
To eject the disk named above, click this button.
This button ejects the disk named above. The button is not available because the item listed above is not an ejectable disk.
This list shows the volumes mounted on your desktop. Double-click a volume to select it.
This displays the operation that failed.
This displays the reason why the operation failed.
Disk Copy can use PlainTalk‚Ñ¢ to speak dialogs and other informational messages. Not available because PlainTalk‚Ñ¢ is not installed.
This format is not available because compressed formats are only available on 68020 or better processors.